Tuesday, November 25, 2008

There is a choice!

Good tips on Green Living Products. I am going to challenge anyone reading this to actually go out and commit themselves to start replacing their regular products with green, eco-friendly products. I'm not talking about buying everything today. I am speaking of making small changes, but start making them today. Begin to make small changes today in you daily lives. We no longer have a choice. This environment and the world we live in has been decimated from years of careless living. It is now our responsibility to begin to repair and respect that which has been given to us. Our children learn by example. Teach your children to live green and respect the world they live in. My kids fight over who's going to run the kitchen scraps to the composter. They know about recycling. As they mature they will live a certain way, and they will teach their children to love and respect the world we live in. Small changes today will transcend throughout time and the people of tomorrow will get to enjoy the very same that we and our parents, and their parents enjoyed. Small changes.

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