Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Rain Barrels, Benefiting the Environment

Harvesting rain water is quickly becoming an important part of reducing our footprint on the environment. Rainwater is beneficial for plants, people and pets. It is free of chemicals such as chlorine, pollutants and it is naturally soft. Plants and turf always look their best after a good soaking rain.

Collecting rainwater is great for areas that have water restrictions, and during a drought. By collecting rainwater you can water your lawn, plants and garden when you need to, regardless of watering restrictions. This will help save and sustain the landscape and garden you worked hard to establish. You can also wash the car, the dog, windows, etc.

By installing a Rain barrel you can also save precious water from becoming Storm water run off. Storm water run off pollutes our natural waterways and contributes to drought situations. When it rains, the water coming out of your gutters most times cannot be absorbed quickly enough by the surrounding lawn and landscape. It runs through the grass and down the driveways collecting fertilizers, chemicals, oils, etc. and all of that ends up in the storm drain. This contaminated water goes directly into our natural water ways. It pollutes our streams and rivers, which in turn knocks the whole eco system out of balance. Woodland plants and wildlife are affected greatly by the water run off from our homes.

A rainfall of 1" on 1,000 square feet of roof, will catch 600 gallons of rainwater. This can turn into thousands of gallon per year. (depending on rainfall in your area) By capturing just some of this water, you can save money on your water bill, water your plants when you need to, and keep pollution from entering our waterways. Now that's beneficial.

Rain Barrels come in various sizes, the most common is around 55 gallons. Most are equipped with an overflow spout, and a faucet for hooking up a garden hose or soaker hose. Many are also mosquito proof, which is important as well. Once installed, they will easily blend into the landscape.

Next time it rains, be ready! Install rain barrels and be ready to save water, save money and save the environment!

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