Saturday, May 10, 2008

A Bird Habitat

Creating a habitat for birds can be a fun and rewarding hobby. To attract and keep birds coming to the new environment you've created, there are a few simple things you need to do.

Hang a variety of bird houses for different types of birds. Many birds will come back year after year to roost in the same house. Do some research to find out what types of birds you want to attract and where they like their houses.

You will also want a variety of bird feeders and food. This is key...if you want to keep the birds around you must provide food and shelter for them year round. If you forget to feed for a while them or stop feeding them all winter, they will go elsewhere.

Birds also love a good bath and a drink. A birdbath is a great place for birds. They can cool off in the summer heat, take a bath, etc. I find a shady place for a birdbath to be the best. In the summer it won't dry out as fast or grow algae. They also need a water source in the winter. A Bird Bath Heater is a great way to provide a water source during the frigid winter months.

Birds are super fun to watch. Each species seems to have their own personality, song and dance routine. Get a pair of binoculars and keep them handy. Also a book about birds of your region will help you identify new birds.

I'm no expert on birds by any stretch of imagination, however, I know I love to watch the pair of House Finches come back to the same bird house each season. This bird house has been hanging in the same spot on my front porch since the previous owners lived here.

My family all love to watch the birds come to the window feeder.
They are so up close, its the only time my 3 small children stay still and quiet.

Providing a good habitat for birds can also be just having good natural shelter. Trees and shrubs that can provide natural shelter, shade and protection. Shrubs that have berries in the fall and winter, like Viburnum, Oregon Grape Holly, and Pyracantha provide food for the birds into the winter. Sunflowers are a great summer treat for the birds.

Be patient when creating a new habitat for the birds. It takes a little time for the birds to discover a new environment. Once they do, you will be surprised and pleased at the variety of beauty now in your yard.

Whether your a novice like me or an expert birder, having nature at your doorstep is an extraordinary thing. One more way Mother Nature has provided entertainment, peace and beauty in our lives.

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