Saturday, September 20, 2008

Appreciation and Gratitude

Appreciation and Gratitude are two of the strongest and most powerful emotions we humans can generate. Appreciation and Gratitude are also the most lost emotions in today's societies.

How often do we feel grateful for someone letting us into merging traffic? How often do we feel grateful that the lines are not long at the grocery store? How often do we appreciate that our morning went smoothly? We usually take it for granted.

Taking time to appreciate the little things in our everyday and to feel grateful for what we have, is powerful. It brings us peace and allows us to feel joy. This is why the musician plays, why children imagine, why the gardener grows.

If we start to appreciate what we already have, even little things, our awareness grows. We are nicer to ourselves, our neighbors and even our environment. Appreciation and gratitude allow us to care and feel good about what we are doing.

For so long we as a whole have been in a "ME" attitude. Expecting without giving. This has taken a toll on us, our health, our families, and our environment. Our awareness over the last 100 years has shrunken to only what immediately affects us.

It is my intention, to live joyously, appreciate everyday, and feel grateful for this wonderful life. By feeling these positive emotions, I am able to expand. Expand enough to become aware of the wonders around me.

This world we live in, is a direct reflection of our thoughts and actions. It is in dire need of repair. It needs to feel our appreciation for it. The earth needs to be nurtured, cared for and loved.

Living a responsible, sustainable lifestyle is essential.

Everything around us is life. The water, the air, the ground.

How can life continue to be if we only take and never give back?

It is all in our hands. All of it...Everyday. Life is not for someone else to care for. Be responsible for your actions.

I do believe Ghandi said it best..."You must be the change you wish to see".

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